Flea includes 2,500 species of tiny flightless insects that live as parasites and suck blood from their host animal. Though flightless, they can jump up from the ground with some species jumping as high as almost a foot (30 cm).

They are easy to acquire and yet tricky to eradicate and pose a serious threat to animal and human health. Aside from severe discomfort, it can cause flea allergy dermatitis (FAD), anemia, and tapeworm transmission among animals. In humans, fleas can also trigger allergic reactions, transmit tapeworm, cause Typhus, and plague infection.

It can be difficult to remove fleas from home and they can even survive for more than 100 days without a host.  Despite this challenge, eradicating these pests is crucial to prevent heavy infestations and diseases.

Contact the professionals at Granite City Mosquito Control to make sure you have taken care of the fleas in your outdoor area.

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