There are about 3,500 species of mosquitoes. Their itchy and irritating bites cause skin irritation and allergic reaction to their saliva resulting in red bumps and itching. Not only are they annoying, but mosquitoes are also carriers of various diseases such as Malaria, Dengue Fever, Yellow Fever, Zika virus infection, West Nile virus infection, Chikungunya, Filariasis, and more. The World Health Organization estimated that 228 million cases of malaria occurred worldwide in 2018 and as of January 7, 2020, 47 states and the District of Columbia reported West Nile virus infections. In animals, mosquitoes can also transmit several diseases and parasites that cause dogs to have heartworms.  In horses, it can cause eastern equine encephalitis.

Mosquitoes are not only a nuisance but also a serious health threat.  Hence, it is important to prevent them from feeding on both humans and animals. Keeping your surrounding environment clean is paramount to reducing their chances of breeding. Getting rid of standing water to eliminate their breeding sites and contacting professionals at Granite City Mosquito Control will get these pests back under control.

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